Looking For Tech Talent?

Welcome to Reqpedia, where opportunities meet talent! Find your dream job or discover the perfect candidate for your company. Our platform connects employers and job seekers seamlessly.

We’re A Specialized Tech Recruitment


We’re a young & dynamically agile reqpedia IT  Staffing organization that leverages on innovative sourcing & authentic engagement in attracting & shaping tech talent into high-performing employees and solving the most critical challenges for employers.

Possibilities for Your Career​


To become one of the preferred ‘go-to’ partners for organizations & businesses across the globe, seeking IT recruitment & augmentation


To ensure perfect talent requirement match, track every touchpoint in talent acquisition process & provide the greatest level of satisfaction to our customers

Our Specialization

We’re a young & dynamically agile IT Staffing organization that leverages on innovative sourcing 



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All Possible Verticals & Positions In IT

In the dynamic landscape of Information Technology (IT), a vast array of verticals and positions exist, each playing a crucial role in the functioning and advancement of digital ecosystems. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the possible verticals and positions in IT: